The FBI and CIA arrested and deported 10 Russian Spies. Some lived in New York and some may have lived in WTI (Walden Terrace). Some may be your neighbors. Are there more? Most “experts” suspect that for each spy caught, there are at least twenty times more who are undiscovered.

WTI has many suspicious people and a lot speak Russian. The following people were seen in building #6.

There is no reason to suspect that any of these people are Russian Spies. But … It is good to be alert. If you do see someone suspicious, call the FBI (800) 225-5324. There may a reward.
Re: Pigeon Infestation.
You probably saw the Notice posted in our lobbies about the “Pigeon Infestation”. Pigeon infestation is worse than Russian Spies. A lot of people hate and complain about pigeons and want them destroyed. It is illegal to shoot, stomp on, crush, strangle, squash or poison pigeons in New York City limits. (Nobody will tell.) Remember the 4 S’s (Stomp, Squash, Strangle and Shoot).

You probably saw the Notice posted in our lobbies about the “Pigeon Infestation”. Pigeon infestation is worse than Russian Spies. A lot of people hate and complain about pigeons and want them destroyed. It is illegal to shoot, stomp on, crush, strangle, squash or poison pigeons in New York City limits. (Nobody will tell.) Remember the 4 S’s (Stomp, Squash, Strangle and Shoot).

Feeding pigeons is bad. It attracts more pigeons, most are overweight and some can hardly fly.
Regarding pigeons in your apartment; Some people eat squab (which is actually a pigeon) others like pigeon soup and some keep pigeons for religious or sexual reasons. Raising pigeons in your apartment is illegal and will result in fines. Don’t do it!
Pigeons carry Histoplasmosis, Cryptococcosis and Psittacosis in addition to secret messages. Recipies for making Pigeon Soup or Pigeon Pot Pie can be found at the Rego Park Library.
More on bugs … Alice F. posted the following;
“I live at the first building at Walden Terrace, and I have to say I am disgusted by it. Since I moved in I have constantly called the management office for a weekly extermination, and every week I see my constant companions, the waterbug and roach. I don't know what type of medicine the exterminators are putting on these bugs, but these darn suckers keep coming back to the life of the party. I shouldn't put the blame on the exterminators, since they are not the owners of the complex. We keep on getting increases on our maintenance, for things that make no sense, while they should be looking at the filth of what us as shareholders are living in.”
For those with bug problems like Alice F, notify the office in writing. Make sure your apartment is treated. The source of roaches, water bugs and other creepy-crawly vermin and varmints may be water pipes or electric outlets, or nests in your apartment or dirty-smelly neighbors. Anonymous notes?
More on bugs … Alice F. posted the following;
“I live at the first building at Walden Terrace, and I have to say I am disgusted by it. Since I moved in I have constantly called the management office for a weekly extermination, and every week I see my constant companions, the waterbug and roach. I don't know what type of medicine the exterminators are putting on these bugs, but these darn suckers keep coming back to the life of the party. I shouldn't put the blame on the exterminators, since they are not the owners of the complex. We keep on getting increases on our maintenance, for things that make no sense, while they should be looking at the filth of what us as shareholders are living in.”
For those with bug problems like Alice F, notify the office in writing. Make sure your apartment is treated. The source of roaches, water bugs and other creepy-crawly vermin and varmints may be water pipes or electric outlets, or nests in your apartment or dirty-smelly neighbors. Anonymous notes?
Alert! Three more Russian Spies caught by FBI. Not at WTI, but aroma of smoked fish detected in building #7.