Saturday, August 14, 2010

More dog, cat, bug, bear, chicken and Bibb stuff.

More dog, bug, bear, cat, chicken and Bibb problems.

Bears: More people have been munched on, mauled and killed since August 1st. The reported events were in N.J., Colorado and Pennsylvania.
What about Rego Park? In July we reported that no bears were spotted at Walden Terrace (WTI). Correction! This bear was spotted on the 6th floor of 98-10 63rd Drive. (Thanks to Lucy.)

Landscaping update: In addition to making WTI look beautiful and a source of pride and joy, our landscapers are helping our environment. Bibb lettuce is planted in the grassy area in front of 98-19 64th Ave. We didn’t notice any bunnies yet, but there were squirrels. (That is Bibb lettuce, isn't it?)

Dogs are not permitted at WTI. And they also must be registered, have evidence of “shots” and a lot of other things. In addition, a dog must have permission to live at WTI. In addition, the Screening Committee is not permitted to give permission. In addition, the next Year of the Dog is 2018.
What does this mean? It means if your dog annoys people, you will be fined, and forced to get rid of your dog or be evicted. The House Rules, Screening Committee and Management clearly state (or should have stated) the rules.
This means dogs at WTI are against the rules!
Any resident who is annoyed or offended by barking or dog urine and feces in your hallways, lobbies and on your sidewalks, should contact the Management (Bob Ast and Henry Christ) and/or BOD (Board of Directors) in writing. If you do not get a satisfactory and prompt response, contact us and we will tell you what to do.
Security: The attached photo (center) is WTI’s erstwhile diligent security guard. Rob is an important part of our community. There may also be “undercover” security people wearing disguises to confuse the bad people, aliens and Russian Spies. Note clever disguises on left of lady with cane and can collector on right. Both are ninja security experts.

Shareholder’s Committee: The Shareholder’s Committee has been reborn. If you are part of the Budget or Communications Committees or helping make WTI a better place and want to make your voice heard, contact Rosanne Levy (Board Member) at the WTI management office.

Cruelty to animals (from ASPCA and Veterinary Society NY): Dogs should be “walked” four or more times per day, depending on size and after every meal. Dogs also require a minimum of one hour “unrestrained” exercise twice a day. Dog owners who do not “walk” their dog at least four times a day are cruel.

A chicken was spotted on the terrace of apartment 2G. The chicken was about to be attacked by a cat that was also spotted trying to do immoral things to a squirrel in front of building #7.

A resident cat can be seen in a window of 98-10.

The cat likes to watch people and take naps. Next time you walk past and see the cat, wave.

And what about doorknobs, elevator buttons and bedbugs? Do you know who lives in your building? Are they nice friendly good neighbors? Are they alive?

Note* For people with dogs.

License: New York State Law (NYC Dog Licensing Law) requires all dogs to be licensed and to have their license renewed each year. New York City Health Code §161.04 requires every dog owner to have a NYC Dog License tag attached to the dog's collar when in public.

Monday, August 2, 2010

AUG + Steel wool + Sidewalks + Volunteer

Where do roaches and water bugs (Nepomorpha) come from?
Roaches and water bugs are a fact of life for apartment house living in all major cities. They live in basements, walls, ducts, pipes, etc. It is estimated that 14,278,902,335,817 live in New York City. This does not include water bugs, bedbugs and other creepy crawly critters.
How do they get into your apartment?
They come in via pipes, drains, electric conduits, under your door, on your shoes, shopping bags and anyway they can.
If your apartment is kept clean and you have Bugman (WTI’s free exterminator) visit at least once a month and you don’t have a dirty, smelly neighbor, your apartment should be mostly roach and waterbug free. But …. They will get in.
During hot weather, roaches and water bugs like to come out of the basement and other hiding places. . And your apartment has secret entrances for them. See the pictures.

What can you do? Stuff steel wool into any spaces where pipes, drains or ducts enter your apartment. Be careful when you go to the compacter (garbage) chute. If dirty people on your floor leave garbage, tell management and tell them they are inconsiderate bad people. CALL BUGMAN!

The sidewalks in front of our buildings are part of our homes. The porters employed by WTI do a pretty good job of cleaning the sidewalks each day. Sadly, some people drop cigarette butts or trash. These are people who don’t know better or are simply inconsiderate slobs. If you see this happen, ask them to pick up their litter, call the WTI Office and yell SLOB.

Also …. Most residents don’t urinate on the sidewalks. They know better. Dogs don’t know better. Any dog owner that allows their dog to urinate on the sidewalk is a bad person and doing something illegal. Perhaps, the dog owners enjoy walking on urine? NYC has “pooper-scooper” and “curb” laws.
Tell the dog owners “curb” their dog, call the WTI Office or go to their apartment and pee on their floors.

There have been a number of bear attacks recently. A woman in Montana and and one in New Jersey was killed and several people have had their arms, legs and heads munched on. There have been no reports of any attacks at WTI.
Bears are attracted by garbage and we have a lot of garbage.
If you do encounter a bear, experts advise climb a tree, bang pots together to make noise, lay down and “play dead” or call the WTI Office.

The Board of Directors and Management of WTI need volunteers for the Screening, Communications and Budget Committees. If you have ideas on how to make WTI better, or can help, please call the WTI Office. (718) 897-5000.
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