Do you know that 64th Avenue, between 98th St. and 99th St. is the most congested (traffic flow) residential street in Queens. At times traffic is halted for as long as 5 minutes due to deliveries (fuel trucks, UPS, FedEx), school buses, ambulances, double parking, etc.
Part of the reason for the traffic jams and horn honking is the Police do not actively patrol our street. If you call 311 and complain about the double parkers and blaring horns, your call gets registered on the Police database. This will result in more frequent Police patrols.
Do you like new fence? Did you notice the wide space between the fence and sidewalk? They (Board of Directors and Management) are looking for an idea to keep the space clean, low cost and attractive. Do you have any ideas?
Look at the border of the fence on 64th Avenue (near the Church parking lot). They are trying out samples.
If you have a suggestion, contact the Board of Directors or Management. They will welcome your input, ideas and participation.
Remember! Your maintenance and rent pays for this and we want WTI to look better.