Friday, June 18, 2010

Thermostats Plumbing and Dirtbags

Is your apartment sometimes too hot or too cold? Do you sometimes shiver and turn blue? Or get drenched in sweat? Do you want temperature control?

When it's hot, and if you have an air conditioner, turn it on. If the electricity works (Will they ever fix the electrical system?) you will get cool.

What about when it's cold? What about when your baby and cat are freezing and your nose is running and you are turning blue? Or, what about when in the middle of the Winter when it's freezing outside and your apartment is like a steam bath? You probably have radiators that hiss and gurgle and make strange sounds. The radiators are supposed to deliver heat.

Calling the WTI Office to complain will not help. They will tell you they have to heat the entire building and they can't regulate the heat for each apartment.

What can you do? Do you have a thermostat? Get a thermostat! A thermostat is used to regulate heat. You can install a thermostat in your bedroom. Most thermostats have timing devices to change the temperature at different times during the day.
*Note- The thermostat may not work because it cannot be hooked to the boilers or radiators.
Plumbing alert! Building #11 (98-19 64th Ave) had all the water shut off last week. The problem was a bad pipe. Luckily it was repaired in less than one day. Residents should be prepared. Lack of drinking, washing and toilet water can be annoying and a health hazard.

Toilets won't work? That's bad.

For emergencies! You should keep several jugs of water and a 100 lb. bag of kitty-litter (with a suitable container) in your apartment.
Bad people alert! Most people at WTI are nice. Sadly, there are also some BAD people. The BAD DIRTY people have been throwing garbage, cigarette butts and other rubbish out their windows or off their terraces. If you see them do it, please tell them to stop and please contact the WTI Office.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Volume + Garbage

Q: How much space does an orange juice container (1/2 gal.) occupy?
A: 122 cubic inches.

Q: If you empty the container, squash the sides and stomp on it, how much volume will it occupy? A: 1.92 cubic inches. It takes up less space. That is a 98.5% reduction. One reason we have mountains of garbage piled up on our sidewalks on garbage collection day is we don't ccompact our garbage.
These are pics of our sidewalks on Garbage Collection Day. Doesn't it make you proud to live in WTI.

Q: Why don't we compact our garbage? A: ?????
A list of possible answers; Stupid. Lazy. NYC law. Fetish. Mental disorder. Culture. Religion. (Some people worship clutter, filth and bugs.) Impact of living near "Schmutz Boulevard) or submit possible reasons.

The NGVF (National Garbage and Volume Federation) wants to know! We (WTI) need to improve. Ask Henry how we can help.

Things you should know about garbage;

In the U.S., the average person generates 4.39 pounds of trash per day and up to 56 tons of trash per year. Every year we fill enough garbage trucks to form a line that would stretch from the earth, halfway to the moon. Americans throw away 2.5 million plastic bottles every hour and throw away 570 diapers per second. That's 49 million diapers per day. Why can't babies be trained to use kitty litter? If you want to know more .. go to ...

July is National Garbage Month. Be nice gto your Garbage man. Wave. Say, "Hello! and You smell nice." Wave when you see a garbage truck.

Playgrounds! If you don't like garbage, you can go to a park. We have a Real Good Park on 99th Street and 62nd. (only three blocks away). Guess what the name is.

Re: Dogs. Anonymous residents report that there may
be a dog and a dwarf deer on a 2nd floor terrace of Bldg #1. Could this be true?
And what about bears?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Animals at WTI 6/14/2010

Residents keep animals in their apartments. Some of the animals are pets. They include dogs, cats, assorted birds, snakes, chickens, mongooses, gerbils, hamsters and reportedly one dwarf iguana.

A well known nice doggie is a golden lab named Goldie. Goldie can usually be found on the steps of 98-26 64th Avenue. Next time you see Goldie, say, "Woof, woof".
Did you notice the clock on the wall? Where is the clock on the wall?

Why is there a clock on the wall?

And who is John?

John is one of the most popular people at WTI.
John can come to your apartment on Wednesday afternoon or Saturday mornings. Call to make an appointment. Everyone is happy to see John, except the bugs. (John is sometimes called Bugman)

This blog is for Shareholders and residents. You can submit interesting things, opinions, ideas, news about murders or pets . Here are some recent baby pictures.
Send us your baby pictures.

Contact us at

Also ... Please keep WTI clean. Some not nice people drop or toss things out windows or off terraces. If you see them do it or know who they are, please contact the office.
June is National Stop Slob Month.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Mid June

WTI Neighborhood Buildings closing:
The Lefrak Offices Buildings on Queens Blvd are closing. They will become either Co-ops, Condos or Rental properties.
You probably noticed the growing number of empty stores and closed businesses in Rego Park. The only industry that seems to thrive in Rego Park is Medicaid Fraud.

June is Bug Time! The first visitors are usually flys, followed by mosquitoes and then all kinds of six-legged critters including the yucky roach.

Bug Stuff: You probably got a notice that you are required to have the exterminator come to your apatment 2x per year. This is a free (to you) service provided by the 'good folks' at WTI. Bug Man (the exterminator) will not only bug proof your apartment, but will tell you great stories. He is available on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Call the Office to make an appointment.

Beware! Be alert for cousin Harold. He knocks on doors and asks for contributions for the NSBP (National Society of Bug People). You can spot him by his cockroach costume.

Question: How many dogs are in WTI? How many cats? Chickens? Iguanas? Marsupials?
There is a WaldenTerrace-Owner Group on Yahoo. If you are a Shareholder, you should join to keep updated and have your voice heard.

Friday, June 4, 2010

WTI Pigeons and Safety

WTI (Walden Terrace Inc.) has a pigeon problem. Pigeons do doo-doo. The pigeon doo-doo that they do has uric acid (very corrosive) and other nasty stuff that can cause diseases and doesn't look good.

Pigeon lady Some people like pigeons. They feed them, talk to them and like this woman in building #4, offer them shelter on a rainy day. Other people hate pigeons and call them "flying rats" Some people even eat pigeons. (Look up pigeon recipes on google.) But ... Pigeons cause damage and cleaning up their poop costs WTI money. So .....


Alert! Safety is very important. WTI hires security guards, but can't control residents who buzz in unauthorized people. Management asks that you make sure only people you know get entry. If you ever see any person or anything that looks suspicious, call the WTI office, the emergency number after hours (718) 897-2317 or 911.

Did you know? Queens Blvd was first opened and named Buttermilk Hollow in 1873. It then became Whitepot Pike, Queens Pike and and later, Queens Blvd. In 1939 it was named World's Fair Blvd. because of the World's Fair.

Between 1990s to about 2005, it was also called the "Death Boulevard" because of the many pedestrians killed while crossing. Today, a lot of people call it Schmutz Blvd. (Schmutz means filth.)

June 21st is the first day of Summer. The 6th is National Yo-yo day, 9th Donald Duck Day, 20th is Father's Day and the 25th is National Catfish day. No days for pigeons!

Does anyone have any ideas how to get rid of pigeons? Management tried this sign, but it didn't work. Birds have no respect.

To submit a foto, make a comment, share ideas, etc. please contact us at:

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Election Day and Fire Engines

The Shareholders of WTI held an election meeting on June 2nd. A group of "insurgents" tried to oust the existing BOD (Board of Directors). The "insurgents" cleverly planned, plotted and schemed to get votes. When it became apparent the "insurgents" had less votes, they walked out handing victory to the existing BOD.

The leader of the "insurgents" claimed "serious criminal actions taken by the Board of Directors ..." and other bad things. Will the Directors go jail?

For your information, in Co-ops the people on the Board of Directors are not paid volunteers.

More happy shareholders.

The highlights of the Election Meeting meeting included some good ideas, some ligitimate complaints, some idiotic remarks and some very nasty people venting their anger and hostility.

Early morning visitors to Walden Terrace.
What building was this?
Was it a burned bagel?

Do you know ... WTI is concrete reinforced steel fireproof building.
Does your smoke alarm have a new battery?
. . . . . . . . . . .
Do you know these men? Who are they?
Don't ask, don't tell!

Are you a Shareholder? If you are we have important news. We will tell you next time. Also ... We need fotos of people who live here.