Thursday, June 17, 2010

Volume + Garbage

Q: How much space does an orange juice container (1/2 gal.) occupy?
A: 122 cubic inches.

Q: If you empty the container, squash the sides and stomp on it, how much volume will it occupy? A: 1.92 cubic inches. It takes up less space. That is a 98.5% reduction. One reason we have mountains of garbage piled up on our sidewalks on garbage collection day is we don't ccompact our garbage.
These are pics of our sidewalks on Garbage Collection Day. Doesn't it make you proud to live in WTI.

Q: Why don't we compact our garbage? A: ?????
A list of possible answers; Stupid. Lazy. NYC law. Fetish. Mental disorder. Culture. Religion. (Some people worship clutter, filth and bugs.) Impact of living near "Schmutz Boulevard) or submit possible reasons.

The NGVF (National Garbage and Volume Federation) wants to know! We (WTI) need to improve. Ask Henry how we can help.

Things you should know about garbage;

In the U.S., the average person generates 4.39 pounds of trash per day and up to 56 tons of trash per year. Every year we fill enough garbage trucks to form a line that would stretch from the earth, halfway to the moon. Americans throw away 2.5 million plastic bottles every hour and throw away 570 diapers per second. That's 49 million diapers per day. Why can't babies be trained to use kitty litter? If you want to know more .. go to ...

July is National Garbage Month. Be nice gto your Garbage man. Wave. Say, "Hello! and You smell nice." Wave when you see a garbage truck.

Playgrounds! If you don't like garbage, you can go to a park. We have a Real Good Park on 99th Street and 62nd. (only three blocks away). Guess what the name is.

Re: Dogs. Anonymous residents report that there may
be a dog and a dwarf deer on a 2nd floor terrace of Bldg #1. Could this be true?
And what about bears?

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