Friday, June 18, 2010

Thermostats Plumbing and Dirtbags

Is your apartment sometimes too hot or too cold? Do you sometimes shiver and turn blue? Or get drenched in sweat? Do you want temperature control?

When it's hot, and if you have an air conditioner, turn it on. If the electricity works (Will they ever fix the electrical system?) you will get cool.

What about when it's cold? What about when your baby and cat are freezing and your nose is running and you are turning blue? Or, what about when in the middle of the Winter when it's freezing outside and your apartment is like a steam bath? You probably have radiators that hiss and gurgle and make strange sounds. The radiators are supposed to deliver heat.

Calling the WTI Office to complain will not help. They will tell you they have to heat the entire building and they can't regulate the heat for each apartment.

What can you do? Do you have a thermostat? Get a thermostat! A thermostat is used to regulate heat. You can install a thermostat in your bedroom. Most thermostats have timing devices to change the temperature at different times during the day.
*Note- The thermostat may not work because it cannot be hooked to the boilers or radiators.
Plumbing alert! Building #11 (98-19 64th Ave) had all the water shut off last week. The problem was a bad pipe. Luckily it was repaired in less than one day. Residents should be prepared. Lack of drinking, washing and toilet water can be annoying and a health hazard.

Toilets won't work? That's bad.

For emergencies! You should keep several jugs of water and a 100 lb. bag of kitty-litter (with a suitable container) in your apartment.
Bad people alert! Most people at WTI are nice. Sadly, there are also some BAD people. The BAD DIRTY people have been throwing garbage, cigarette butts and other rubbish out their windows or off their terraces. If you see them do it, please tell them to stop and please contact the WTI Office.

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